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Welcome, Applied Ozone Systems Ozone Colonic Colon Cleansing Benefits

Ozone Colonic Cleansing Benefits

Ozone colonic irrigation cleansing help absorption blood bowel intestinal health digestive problems indigestion yeast infection. Helps control blood pressure, restores pH balance, restores proper digestion, reduces bad odors.

Colon cleansing benefits: clears colon blockage, bloating. Induce proper blood clotting, stimulates production white blood cells, purifies blood, bacteria, viruses and yeast infection. Helps prevent gallstone production.

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Ozone Book Information

Breath of Life Book Summary Information

Book Contents

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Colon Cleansing Detoxification, Health Risks, Colonic Irrigation, Medical Ozone Therapy

Detoxification Ozone Therapy

Detoxification Therapy Part 2

Health Risks

Health Risks Part 2

Colonic Irrigation Part One

Colonic Part Two

Colonic Irrigation References

Colon Cleanser Oxygen Supplement

Medical Ozone Oxygen Therapy

Medical Ozone Oxygen References

Oxygen Deficiency Disease

Human Intestinal Parasites Worms

Ozone Generators, Colon Cleansing Equipment, Pool and Spa Ozone Generators, Air Purifiers, Oxygen Generators

Ozone Machines, Air, Food, Water Purification Systems

AE Series Ozone Generators

Colonic Irrigation Equipment

Corona Pool Spa Ozone Generators

Home Air Purifier

Industrial Oxygen Generators

Medical Oxygen Generators

AOS-1M Medical Ozone Generators

AOS-1MD Medical Ozone Generators

Pool Spa Ozone Generators

Smog Buster Ozone Generator

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Ozone Sensors Monitor

Liquid Vitamin Mineral Dietary Supplement

Oxygen Colonic Cleanser

Oxygen Therapy Supplements

Oxy-Mega Colon Cleanser

Liquid Activated Stabilized Oxygen

Tropical Sunrise Dietary Supplement

Vitamin Mineral Natural Health Food

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Colon Cleansing Colonic Irrigation Part Two

Ozone colonic colon cleansing assists in the breakdown of cholesterol, cleans the colon of yeast infection and parasites, stops infection and inflammation and helps the liver produce more bile to aid the absorption of lipids and nutrients.

Some symptoms relieved by colon cleansing are: coated tongue, colon cancer, constipation, backache, bad breath, bloating, fatigue, bad gas, headaches, indigestion, loss of concentration, lung congestion, sinus congestion, skin problems, nail fungus, and symptoms of yeast infection.

Simple observation of feces provides valuable guidelines to what is or not needed in your daily diet. The transit time (the time it takes for foods to travel through the digestive tract) can be too slow or too fast. Looking at what you created is like looking at some picture that tells thousands of words. Thinking this is degrading or embarrassing is like not facing reality.

Bristol Stool Form Scale divides stools into seven distinct types, size, shape, color.

Dry with hard lumps or clumps. When transit time is too long, one may be extremely constipated. Usually caused by lack of fluids, lack of friendly bacteria, essential oils, stress, excess mucosa, and not enough good fiber. Avoid alcohol, baking soda, and all products with refined white flour, sugar, white rice and yeast.

Like lumpy sausage.

Like sausage with surface cracks.

Long smooth surface. Normal, good color, quick exit, and easy to clean.

Blobs with well-defined margins.

Fluffy with ragged edges.

Watery with no solids. Diarrhea is usually caused by bacterial or virus infection from foods or water. It can also be caused from anxiety, food allergy, drugs, or problems in the colon. This is another sign that something is wrong and the bodies are trying to clean.

Drink extra water with vitamin C and electrolytes added to avoid dehydration. If it continues for too long, colonic irrigation should end it.

Size and shape of the stool indicate the transit time through the digestive tract. The color can tell you how well your digestion is and alert you to other changes concerning your wellness.

Lighter in color (pale) may indicate blockage in the bile duct or deficiency in producing bile (digestive aid). Because of the high fat content, stool may be foul smelling and sticky like clay making it difficult to flush. This is usually the result of bad absorption.

Blood (red) in the stool is an indication of colon disease, internal hemorrhoids, or parasites. Eating beets will add color to stools and urine and be used as an indication of transit time.

Dark stools are usually from your diet of dark greens, iron supplements, or meat.

Black stools may indicate bleeding in the stomach or smaller intestine caused from an injury, bleeding ulcer, tumor, or worms.

Slimy stools contain excess mucus caused by bacteria, yeast infection, tumor, or other problems in the colon.

During the first phase of home colonic irrigation, the old stagnant waste coming out may appear in two types. The putrefactive waste has very bad odors. The post-putrefactive waste cannot putrefy any further. The color ranges from black, dark brown, gray, or green with little odor.

Healthy stool is long, round, and smooth with the texture similar to creamy peanut butter and golden brown in color. It should be slightly acidic so it floats on the surface of water breaking up soon afterwards.

Colon pH becomes slightly acidic, it promotes the growth of friendly bacteria. The balance is thrown off when it gets too alkaline, creating an environment that only the bad can survive. Normal stools and bowel function return soon after.

Colonic Irrigation Colon Cleansing Techniques

There are different agents used in the water for the various colon cleansing techniques. The most common additives taken or added to the water is bentonite (ground up volcanic ash usually taken internally), cascara sagrada, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, calcium, chlorophyll, coffee, friendly bacteria, herb's, psyllium hulls, vitamins and minerals.

Balanced and proper diet along with herbal cleansers will cleanse the colon over long periods of time but those with serious conditions need to take quick action.

Colon cleansing is safe and effective for everyone of all ages, children and the elderly alike. Additives to the water should be half that of adults for children. Pregnant women should abstain from cleansing the last three months of pregnancy and should consult their doctor.

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Book Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, by Bernard Jensen D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist, describes different methods used for colon cleansing very thoroughly.

One method requires seven day diet of liquids to shrink the colon and become weaker during this process. Those already weakened by their condition should avoid fasting to prevent any further conditions.

Authors of some books are against oxygen therapies. They are not familiar with it because they have never tried it. As time passes, their thoughts may change for the better.

Book called Healing Within, it states; There is no comparison in the way one feels after cleansing with the new procedure with oxygen. Some authorities state that, liter per liter; more oxygen is absorbed through colon cleansing than through the lungs. This not only helps to heal the affected tissues in the colon, but also allows the oxygen to pass quickly into the bloodstream and bathe the bodies cells.

Colon cleansing therapy with oxygen has an anti-helmintic action; that is, parasites are removed. The concentration of ozone in the water will determine the effectiveness of the cleanse.

If the temperature of the cleanse water is too hot, the disintegration time is shortened. Water temperature should be 100 to 105 degrees. Hotter water helps break loose the old crusty matter faster, but the toxins will absorb through the walls of the colon quicker. Your skin pores will open with warm water and close with cold water. This can apply to the colon as well.

Bacterial kill rate is higher in ozonate water at 100 degrees than it is at 70 degrees F, but not over 115 degrees. Water should be warm to the touch after ozonation. The ozone is bubbled into the water for 15 to 20 minutes with the generator that produces from 7 to 8 grams per hour. Smaller generators may take from 1/2 to 1 hour to ozonate the water.

If hydrogen peroxide is used add 1/2 to 3/4 ounces of 35 percent or add 6 or 8 ounces of 3 percent food grade to the water after ozonation. Use hydrogen peroxide with Caution! Read and Follow All Instructions Before Using Hydrogen Peroxide. The 35 percent hydrogen peroxide should be stored in the freezer away from children.

Ozonate water and hydrogen peroxide used during the colonic will absorb into the old encrusted waste products that are lining the intestinal walls. The oxidizing and bubbling action will breakup the old fecal waste quicker than the other methods. The O3 oxidizes the bad bacteria, viruses, toxins, and parasites on contact before re-absorbing into the walls of the colon. Most of the bad odors are also controlled as the toxins and debris is eliminated out of the rectum.

Action of the activated oxygen will act as an alkalizing or neutralizing agent to these foreign invaders that have taken up residence in the colon. Oxygenation of the blood will restore its pH so the bodies electrolytes can function properly. When the bodies chemistry is balanced, proper tissue and organ function will be restored.

Activated oxygen absorbs through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream if the colon walls are free of debris. Tingling sensation is felt throughout as the ozone is circulated in the blood and purifying it at the same time. The increased amount of oxygen in the blood is highly energizing and restores bad circulation.

Extra amounts of hydrogen peroxide are used (2 or 3 ounces per five gallons of water) has the tendency to turn gall and kidney stones into fine gravel or sand. When your urine is foamy, is an indication there is enough hydrogen peroxide. Start out with less amounts to see how the colon responds. Do only as tolerated. Once should be sufficient.

Ozone oxidizes the plaque in arteries and restores flexibility to red blood cells, which eliminates clumping in tiny capillaries. This method of irrigation is used in colitis and all chronic intestinal inflammation.

Article titled Medical Ozone, John C. Pittman, M.D. states, I do believe that ozone is an important tool in medicine and should have the place in the treatment of disease, because most of the diseases afflicting humans today can be traced to diminishing levels of oxygen and compromised immune system. Any therapy that can increase oxygen at the cellular level deserves to be incorporated into the complete treatment program. Ozone also possesses particular properties that make it the potent anti-viral substance. This is significant since many of today's most devastating diseases appear to be viral in origin.

These diseases need active powerful intervention in order to be reversed. Ozone is one potent immune system stimulant that can also help to restore the bodies own defenses, thereby making it possible to resist some of these intrepid viruses. Of course, building back the immune system depends on the complete program, including thorough detoxification with self cleansing. So, when given in conjunction with any program through self cleansing, lymphatic massage, supplementation, and other adjunctive therapies that stimulate the oxidative process, Ozone can do miraculous things. And, it is up to all of us, patients and doctors alike, to demand access to this incredible healing substance.

Some have expressed some contradictions to this type of colon cleansing therapy and that if any of the following problems pertains to you, that you should proceed with caution: Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiomegaly, Crohn's Disease, Cysts, Diverticulitis, Hemorrhoids, High Blood Pressure, Mega colon, Pregnancy, Renal Insufficiency, Tumors, and Ulcerative Colitis. Those with anorexia or bulimic should only use natural cleansers. The walls of colon may be weak from depriving you of the nutrients it needs for rebuilding.

Ozone and oxygen therapy has helped with many of these contradictions. There is nothing wrong in taking precautions when it concerns your well-being. If you have already been diagnosed with any of these problems, it would be foolish not to proceed with some type of cleansing program because the benefits far exceed the risks.

Safer way of starting out that is recommend first is taking the natural internal oxygen colon cleanser like OXY-MEGA at the start. Cleaning the whole digestive tract will start the restoration cycle and enhance the colon irrigation. Problems can exist in the stomach and smaller intestine as well. Just cleaning the colon does not take care of problems in the rest of the digestive tract.

Miracles have and will always continue to happen. Ozone and high colonic irrigation may help you after the first few times or it may not if extremely filled with toxins. Try to imagine traces from every bacterial or viral infection, every drug or chemical, agents from processed foods still lying dormant in your fat and muscle tissue. Imagine pounds of this stagnant waste lying dormant in the colon.

During this type of detoxification, the toxins are forced out, you may experience diarrhea, fatigue, fever, nausea, or night sweats during cleansing. For some, this healing crisis may continue if you do not follow-up with another cleansing. Your temperature will run slightly higher than normal once your immune system begins working. This is normal during the process. The more toxic you are, the stronger the healing crisis will be.

The process of eliminating toxins and old waste product are signs that detoxification is working. The healing crisis is the normal reaction from the cleansing or purifying process that you must go through in removing the old stored waste. The old has to be removed first for regeneration and healing to occur. You may be thinking that the healing crisis is the bad side effects, but in reality, it turns into good effects. Look forward to its happening with your firm commitment to achieve optimum wellness.

Cost of colon hydrotherapy by any trained therapist can cost from 50 too as much as 175 dollars per treatment. Some may feel this is too expensive but can go out on the town or to dinner and blow this much in just hours. Your number one priority in life should be one of good health so you can continue and enjoy going out on the town. When our bodies give signals (symptoms), it is for good reason. It tells us when there is something wrong or out-of-balance and that corrections need to be made.

Usually, the first impression of colon cleansing is its embarrassing. If you continue to think like this, you are only cheating yourself from the more favorable life and your symptoms will only continue to worsen. For those that are too embarrassed or stubborn is to purchase your own equipment and do-it-yourself.

Colonic board and ozone generator is not that expensive when you consider what the medical profession charges these days or the cost of health insurance. In fact, keeping the colon clean is the best life insurance policy you could possibly have. Professional and home colonic equipment are available in the product section.

Once you see the results, you will continue to detoxify the rest of your life. Some may tell you this process is habit forming and those considering colonic irrigation have asked this question many times. This type of self detoxification is not habit forming but feeling good and looking good can most definitely become better habits. As long as you are eating good and taking the right nutritional supplement like Tropical Sunrise for your condition during detoxification, the healing process will continue to escalate. In the section Vitamins and Minerals Natural Health Food, it explains why the diet is so important.


Humans Need Good Foundational Health Programs

Over 25 years worldwide, universally every Medical Doctor, Osteopath, Chiropractor and Naturopathic Physician agree that we must do these basic seven things (BALANCE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, NOURISH, OXYGENATE, PROTECT, and STRENGTHEN) to have optimum wellness. We live in our world with environmental problems, from the air we breath to the water we eat.

Foods today are becoming more and more depleted of vital nutrients because of depleted soils, chemical fertilization and improper food preparation. Combined with the stress of everyday life from society, family, career, or financial challenges, our need for some nutritional program has never been greater.

For any of the foods you eat and vitamin and mineral supplements to fully benefit you, the intestines must be clean and free of debris. The clean colon will allow the nutrients to absorb through the intestinal walls, helping the bodies to detoxify and rejuvenate at faster rates. Taking the best and all the vitamin supplements will not benefit anyone if the nutrients are not absorbed through the intestinal walls and accomplish the seven basics. Tropical Sunrise liquid dietary supplement is loaded with plant nutrients with high absorption and the Oxy-Mega colon cleanser will help in cleaning the intestinal tract.

Tropical Sunrise Liquid Multi Dietary Supplement

Breath of Life describes detoxification in depth with self colon cleansing techniques and illustrations on the colon, parasites, directions for making your own board for home colonic. It also describes how to keep your bodies in balance using ozone with other natural remedies and the risk factors we all face in our daily life.

Complete package of ozone generators and colonic boards for do-it-yourself colon cleansing or home colonic are available.

Colonic Irrigation Colon Hydrotherapy References

Colonic Irrigation Equipment

Order Oxy-Mega Colon Cleanser On-Line

Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements made on this page concerning colonic irrigation. This colon cleansing therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. However, some of the side effects or benefits enjoyed may be purely coincidental.